Latham R
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Latham R

Oct 02, 2023

District info


First day: Aug. 22.

Last day: May 17.

Central office

Superintendent: Tracey Bieri, [email protected].

Principal: Tracey Bieri.

Address: 156 School St., Latham.

Phone: 660-458-6271.

Fax: 660-458-6604.

Expected enrollment: 35 students.


Latham R-V registration forms are available throughout the school year on weekdays during school hours. A new school website will be available at a later date and forms will be available when the website is complete.

School supplies

Kindergartners and first graders need a backpack, an art box, skinny dry-erase markers, a highlighter, an eraser, four glue stickers, a composition or spiral notebook, a pair of headphones, a rest mat, and a folder.

Second graders need a backpack, an art box, four glue sticks, 24 pencils, an eraser, a box of Crayola crayons, a box of markers, a pair of scissors, a pair of headphones, two skinny dry-erase markers, two highlighters, a box of Ziploc sandwich-sized bags and a composition notebook.

Third and fourth graders need a backpack, a box of colored pencils, a box of markers, a box of 24 Crayola crayons, two highlighters, a white magic eraser, a pair of headphones, three vinyl two-pocket folders (one red, one green and one blue), a clipboard, a pair of scissors, 24 No. 2 lead pencils, a red ink pen, two Expo skinny markers, four glue sticks, a pair of pointer scissors, two spiral notebooks (wide-ruled), a pack of wide-ruled loose leaf paper, a pack of index cards and two pads of Post-it notes. No art boxes.

Fifth and sixth graders need a backpack, pencils, a box of markers, a compass, a protractor, two bottles of Elmer's glue, a box of colored pencils, a pair of scissors, erasers, pens, a four-pack of highlighters (any color), four two-pocket folders, a composition notebook, two spiral notebooks, a pair of headphones or earbuds, a pack of lined index cards, a box of Ziploc sandwich bags, four Expo dry-erase markers (black), a 2-inch three-ring binder, Post-it notes, and a basic calculator (sixth graders only).

Seventh and eighth graders need a backpack, an art box, pencils (mechanical No. 2 with extra lead), a box of markers, a basic calculator, a compass, a protractor, two glue sticks, a box of colored pencils, a pair of scissors, erasers, pens, a four-pack of highlighters (any color), three spiral notebooks, a pair of headphones or earbuds, and a clipboard.

Note: All students need to bring a water bottle, tissues, Clorox wipes, a roll of paper towels, headphones and a pair of tennis shoes (that stay at school) for physical education.

District calendar

Aug. 17; Back to school night (6-7 p.m.).

Aug. 22; First day of school.

Sep. 14; Grandparents' breakfast (7:30 a.m.).

Oct. 23; Parent-teacher conferences (3-7 p.m.).

Oct. 31; Halloween parade (2 p.m.).

Nov. 10; Veterans Day breakfast (7:30 p.m.).

Nov. 22-24; Fall Break.

Dec. 7; Christmas program (6:30 p.m.).

Dec. 21; Early Dismissal (12:05 p.m.) -- winter break begins.

Dec. 22-Jan 2; Winter break.

Mar. 11; Parent-teacher conferences (3-7 p.m.).

Mar. 29; No School -- Easter Break.

May 2; Spring concert/art show (6:30 p.m.).

May 16; Graduation (6:30 p.m.).

May 17; Early dismissal (12:05 p.m.) -- last day of school.

Safety upgrades

A new fall zone for the school playground and a new video security system for the school doors will be added.

Print Headline: Latham R-V prepares for 2023-24 school year

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District infoRegistrationSchool suppliesDistrict calendarSafety upgrades